Communication Networks and Socialization Content for the 2020 Regional Head Election by the General Election Commission in Indonesia on Twitter
communication network, election commission, election socialization, twitterAbstract
Election stages that usually involve many people, such as campaigning and socializing the 2020 Regional Head Election, must be carried out online or "in-network" to avoid the spread of Covid-19, one of which is social media. The KPU must be able to use social media as a means to socialize the stages of the election that have been and will be held. This study specifically wants to see how the RI KPU uses Twitter as a social media in the 2020 Pilkada. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. This research uses Qualitative Data Software Analysis (QDSA) and Social Network Analysis (SNA), which function as analysis tools. QDSA uses NVivo 12 Plus, while the SNA used is NodeXL Pro. The study results indicate that the use of Twitter Social Media as a means of socialization is an important part that cannot be separated from the socialization of the 2020 Pilkada. The link between the accounts of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia and other accounts results in the exchange of messages by mentioning each other. The intensity of the socialization of the implementation stages and the categories of message content conveyed in the KPU account have also been identified. The implementation of social media tactics carried out by the KPU during the 2020 election period can be categorized as institutional and individual. The emergence of communication networks and the impact of social media use on the resulting level of participation are also presented.
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