Populism and Political Identity in a Crossed Road
The Crisis of Representation and Electoral Pressure
populism, political identity, electoral pressure, electionAbstract
This paper discusses how identity is manifested as a tool in the struggle for hegemony that takes place in the electoral democracy contestation. The approach used in this research is the study of literature used primarily to explain the relationship between the two entities and map the conceptualization of populism as identity politics. Research findings show a meeting of populism and identity politics succeeded in making identity politics a manifestation of a symbol of resistance to the regime maintained by the political elite and the oligarchy. In this paper, an analysis framework is also offered by trying to explore the links between populism and identity politics, summarizing a number of factors, such as globalization, market economics, and the dysfunction of liberal democracy that raises the vulnerability and marginalization of affected individuals and then turns around and uses identity as a mechanism to maintain its existence.
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