Dynamics of Development Democracy Indonesia in the Era of Jokowi Leadership
jokowi, democracy, leadership, indonesiaAbstract
Social media has become the main communication tool that changes the barriers of today's communication. The open characteristics of social media make its use in various aspects including aspects of political campaigns possible. The current campaign model uses social media a lot because of the breadth of reaching the audience. However, the use of social media does not rule out the possibility of attacking each other such as negative campaigns and black campaigns. This study aims to look at candidate campaign patterns and strategies by focusing on candidate political communication, use of offensive campaigns, and detection of vulnerabilities to democracy in Indonesia. By using a literature review research model, this study shows that social media is the main medium in political communication and it is found that there is an increase in the intensity and spread of communication with political topics during the election stage, especially during the campaign period. The campaign strategy carried out by the candidate was found to use an attacking strategy in bringing down or killing the character of his political opponent. This campaign model has the potential to cause a decline in democracy in Indonesia. This study shows that the use of black campaigns that are full of slander, lies, and selling racial issues makes the quality of Indonesian democracy worse and the legitimacy of the elected leaders low.
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