Investigasi Dalam Proses Penanganan Pelanggaran Pemilu


  • Agus Aan Hermawan Bawaslu Kota Serang


Kata Kunci:

Investigation, Handling of Violations, Supervisor of Elections


The problems of the process of investigating election violations are quite diverse. Examples include the lack of initial information reference, lack of quality of supervisory resources, limited time in the process of handling violations, geographical conditions or locations of supervision, the socio-cultural situation of conflict-prone communities and the absence of special regulations governing investigations. This method of writing uses a literary approach and empirical studies. This study outlines the investigation process which is the activity of the Election Supervisor in conducting a search of preliminary information to find events of alleged election violations. Invetigation techniques for handling election violations that can be overcome by the Supervisor of Elections include: (1) study of basic documents, (2) making direct observations or observations, and (3) interviews or clarifications. The author suggests that Bawaslu RI needs to compile an investigation juknis to facilitate the implementation of investigations in the field by the Election Supervisor as well as conduct investigation training to increase the capacity of human resources.





Cara Mengutip

Hermawan, A. A. (2022). Investigasi Dalam Proses Penanganan Pelanggaran Pemilu. Awasia: Jurnal Pemilu Dan Demokrasi, 2(1), 46–58.